Aquaculture sector facing tremendous challenges which need solution to become sustainable

Aquaculture sector facing tremendous challenges which need solution to become sustainable T he globe has a difficult food problem in trying to feed a growing population while lessening the negative environmental effects of production and distribution methods. The task of feeding a world population that is expanding at a rapid rate falls on the fisheries industry, and as demand for seafood rises globally, sustainable aquaculture production must rise as well. Currently the food business with the fastest rate of growth in the world, aquaculture supplies more than half of the world's seafood. Challenges of Aquaculture Industry: We need to practice aquaculture in a sustainable manner because it contributes significantly to our food supply. However, as the aquaculture industry grows, it also faces challenges including water scarcity, environmental deterioration, a lack of available area for aquaculture, high input costs, etc. Thus, sustainability is becoming increasingly important ...